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Episode 7: Best & Worst Keto Sweeteners

June 19, 2019

There are plenty of alternative sweeteners that are also keto. Experiment and find out what you like best.

On today's podcast

  • A look back on the week: House Guest and Keto Cooking
  • Product Review:Jimmy Dean Delights Egg'wich
  • Questions:What are the best & worst keto sweeteners?

A look back on the week

This was a really good week. I had a pretty busy week, so I made sure I planned my meals and had them ready to go. My 20 year old nephew William from Texas, is working an internship at my office and has been staying with me. William also consumes a low carb diet, so we have been enjoying some low carb dinners such as burgers and eggs & sausage. It's been enjoyable and encouraging having meals with other Keto dieters.

Product Review: Jimmy Dean Delights Egg'wich

During my last shopping trip at my local Sam's Club, in the frozen section, I came across a product called Jimmy Dean Delights Egg'wich. It's similar to an Egg Mcmuffin, but egg whites are used in place of the bread. They come frozen and are quick and easy to warm up in the microwave. It has a great fat (17g) to protein (13g) ratio. These are perfect for the Keto diet!

Sweeteners and the Keto Diet

This is a really popular subject as many patients are worried about not being able to have sweet items while transitioning from a traditional American diet to the Keto diet. There are definitely options for those who follow the Keto diet which are broken up into 2 categories: those from natural sources, such as plants and those sweeteners that are more artificial. 

Although they are calorie free, It's important to stick with sweeteners that will not affect your blood sugar levels. If it causes a spike in your insulin level, then it's actually acting like sugar in the body. The more natural it is, and the less spike in blood sugar levels, the better the product. 

Sweeteners are measured through the glycemic index which measures how fast your blood sugar rises in response after consuming a certain food. Foods are given a score and a score of "0" means that there is no rise in blood sugar, where a score or "100" indicates a rise in blood sugar when glucose is consumed. The goal is to be as close to "0" as possible when following the keto diet.

The Top 5 Best Keto Sweeteners:

  1. Stevia: Glycemic index of "0". It's derived from a plant source and is very versatile as it comes in many forms such as powder and liquid and can be used in baking. It's also much sweeter than sugar, so it's recommended to use much less.
  2. Monk Fruit: Glycemic index of "0". Monk fruit also comes from a plant and actually contains an antioxidant that tastes sweet. It can be added to many foods such as smoothies and desserts.
  3. Erythritol: Glycemic index of "0". Erythritol is a naturally occurring sugar natural. This can be used in baking and also purchased as a syrup. I don't find that it has any type of after taste and is very sweet.
  4. Inulin: Glycemic index of "0". This plant fiber is found in the chicory plant, bananas, asparagus, artichokes and other plant sources. It is not digested by enzymes in your body and just passes through. Therefore, it's really good for your system and gut bacteria. Inulin is less sweet then cane sugar, so you can use a larger amount than the other keto sweeteners mentioned on this list. It functions a little bit like flour as it has some thickening and absorbing qualities.
  5. Yacon syrup: Glycemic index of "1". This sweetener comes from the root of a South American plant and is considered to be 75% as sweet as sugar. It is very rich in antioxidants, potassium and fiber. It also acts a prebiotic and is great for gut health. It's great for baking, coffee, smoothies etc.

The 5 Worst Keto Sweeteners:

  1. Maltitol: A sugar alcohol that does cause some digestive issues and raises blood sugar. It is cheap and easy to find but I find that it acts similar to sugar in the body. I tell patients to avoid this sweetener all together.
  2. Maltodextrin: It is highly processed from vegetable starch and has the same amount of calories and carbohydrates as sugar. Definitely avoid this sweetener on a low carb diet.
  3. Honey: Honey is sugar; don't use it!
  4. Deceptive Sweeteners: Sweeteners such as Stevia in The Raw, Splenda, and Sweet & Low are derived from chemicals and are mostly non natural. They aren't good for your body and I tend to stay away from these examples.
  5. Coconut Sugar: This is similar to honey, and it's basically eating sugar. This will definitely affect your insulin levels.

You should also eliminate Agave Nectar, Dates, Maple Syrup and Molasses from a keto diet.

Sticking with the top keto sweeteners on this list all have a low glycemic score which keeps most people in ketosis.
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