With so many diets out there, it is hard to know which one is right for you. Most people begin a diet to lose weight. Diets are problematic in that many are not sustainable and the weight piles back on as soon as you stop following the diet. Losing weight should be about adopting a long-term healthy lifestyle that helps you not only look your best but feel your best. The ketogenic diet not only helps you lose weight, but increases your physical, emotional, and mental health. It is a sustainable lifestyle change that helps you live your best life. For those who are just starting their journey on the Keto diet, this guide is for you. We will explain what the Keto diet is, the mechanism behind it, and how to get started.
What is the keto diet?
It's called the ketogenic diet, but it is a lifestyle change, rather than a fad diet. In short, the Keto diet consists of consuming foods that are low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and high in healthy fats.
Although the Keto diet has only gained popularity recently, it has actually been around since the 1920s. It was developed by researchers at John Hopkins as a way to help patients who suffered from epilepsy. Since then a whole slew of benefits has been linked to the Keto diet.
How does the keto diet work?
In order to understand why the Keto diet is beneficial, it is important to understand the mechanism behind the Keto diet.
As you might suspect due to the name, ketones play a significant role in the diet. Typically the body uses glucose as the main source of fuel. When the supply of glucose is low, the body turns to break down fat, which produces ketones that are then used to fuel the body. This is a process called ketosis.
How long does it take to enter a state of ketosis?
Most people see results within the first week. In order to fully follow the diet, your body must enter a state of ketosis. This typically takes about 3 days to enter into a state of ketosis, and a few weeks before you start visually seeing the results.
Benefits of the keto diet
As mentioned above, the Keto diet has been shown to be effective in patients with epilepsy, but it offers a myriad of benefits to followers of the diet. The most widely recognized benefit is weight loss. When followed correctly weight loss can be significant and happen relatively quickly. The best part is that keeping the weight off is sustainable.
Those who follow the Keto diet are at a reduced risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. The reason is that insulin levels are better regulated and unhealthy body fat is shed when in a ketosis state.
Other likely benefits include a reduced risk of developing heart disease, starving cancer cells that have glucose/insulin growth mechanism, and serving as an effective treatment for those who suffer from some neurological disorders. In addition to treating and warding off certain illnesses, the diet also improves sleep, cognitive function, and increases energy.
How do you get started on the keto diet?
For most people transitioning to the Keto diet is a massive lifestyle change. However, as with everything, your body will adjust and a healthier body means living a higher quality of life.
What can you eat?
The most important part of the Keto diet is restricting your intake of carbohydrates. You should consume no more than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day. If you consume too many carbs in one day, your body will not be able to enter or maintain a state of ketosis.
Unlike many diets, the Keto diet is not a high protein diet. It is important to consume protein in moderation. Too much protein will turn into glucose, which will take your body out of the state of ketosis.
This is a high-fat diet. Consuming healthy fats provides your body with fuel as well makes you feel satisfied. If you feel satisfied, you are less likely to eat high carb and junk foods.
It is important to note that there aren't any cheat days on the Keto diet. Even one cheat day will throw your body out of ketosis. If you happen to slip you can get your body back into ketosis just as you did the first time.
Track your macronutrients
Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are your macronutrients. A successful Keto diet typically has a ratio of 5 percent carbohydrates, 20 percent proteins, and 75 percent healthy fats. Each person is different so these ratios may vary slightly. Keeping track of your macronutrient intake will help you ensure that you are consuming the proper amounts of each type of nutrient.
Drink enough water
The Keto diet is only successful if you drink enough water. The body stores less water on the keto diet, making it easier to become dehydrated. Water also flushes your body of toxins. It is recommended to drink about 96 ounces of water daily. Most people do not come close to drinking this much water in a day so this can be a big adjustment. Buying a water bottle that you can carry with you everywhere you go will help you keep track of your water intake and hit your goal.
Plan ahead
You are much more likely to be successful on the Keto diet if you plan ahead. Stock your kitchen with keto friendly foods, and plan meals ahead of time. With a little creative planning, there are endless options for delicious, fulfilling, and healthy Keto recipes.
How to combat the "keto flu"
The Keto flu typically happens when you first start the Keto diet. After all, you are making a big lifestyle change. Your body has to adjust to fewer carbohydrates and more fat. This causes a small and temporary disruption in your electrolytes. This usually lasts for less than one week. Ultimately, it is a part of the adjustment process that will pass relatively quickly.
Connect with the keto community
The Keto diet is great for those who are looking to burn fat more effectively and adopt a healthy lifestyle. This diet has gained popularity for its long-term sustainability and physical, emotional, and mental benefits. Connecting with others who actively practice the Keto diet is a great source of inspiration, motivation, and helpful tips to further enhance your healthy lifestyle. Check my podcast
and Instagram for more conversations, tips and personal stories!